pd Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int Aflag
int aflag
int batchsize
int bflag
int cflag
char dbdirection [10]
char * dbobject
char * ddb
char * ddbobject
int Dflag
DBINT direction
char * dpass
char * dserver
char * duser
int Eflag
int eflag
char * errorfile
int Fflag
int fflag
char * fieldterm
int fieldtermlen
int firstrow
char formatfile [FILENAME_MAX+1]
char * hint
char hostfilename [FILENAME_MAX+1]
int Iflag
char interfacesfile [FILENAME_MAX+1]
int lastrow
int Lflag
int maxerrors
int mflag
int nflag
char * options
char * owner
int packetsize
char * pass
int Pflag
int pflag
int rflag
char * rowterm
int rowtermlen
char * sdb
char * sdbobject
char * server
int Sflag
char * spass
char * sserver
char * suser
int textsize
int Tflag
int tflag
int Uflag
char * user
int vflag

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