Chapter 6. Use FreeTDS

FreeTDS includes several utilities. Some are testing tools, some demonstration projects, some intended for day-to-day use. All have man pages.

FreeTDS Utilities

(listed alphabetically)


A non-interactive equivalent of the isql utility programs distributed by Sybase and Microsoft. Like them, bsqldb uses the command "go" on a line by itself as a separator between batches. The last batch need not be followed by "go".

bsqldb makes use of the DB-Library API. Intended for production use.


A non-interactive equivalent of the isql utility programs distributed by Sybase and Microsoft. Like them, bsqlodbc uses the command "go" on a line by itself as a separator between batches. The last batch need not be followed by "go". It uses the ODBC API.

bsqlodbc is a demonstration project, but can also aid in isolating problems. ODBC applications typically have many layers, and it can be difficult to know if a problem arises in a layer, or in the interface between layers. By executing a query in bsqlodbc, you can see if the functionality of the ODBC driver works when used as the folks who wrote the driver thought it would be used.


A tool for migrating data between Sybase ASE and Microsoft SQL Server or vice versa.

datacopy will move table data from one server to another without the need for intermediate files. datacopy is much faster and more efficient than is freebcp out/in.

datacopy makes use of the DB-Library bcp API.


Replaces a similar program of the same name distributed by Sybase.

defncopy reads the text of a stored procedure or view, and writes a script suitable for recreating the procedure or view. For tables, it reads the output of sp_help and constructs a CREATE TABLE statement, complete with CREATE INDEX, too.


A complete replacement of the isql utility programs distributed by Sybase and Microsoft. Like them, fisql uses the command "go" on a line by itself as a separator between batches.


Replicates the functionality of the bcp utility programs distributed by Sybase and Microsoft.

freebcp makes use of the DB-Library bcp API.

The manual pages or online help for Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server can be referenced for more detailed information on bcp functionality.


A Bourne shell script that checks and reports on your configuration.


A diagnostic tool that uses uses the lowest level FreeTDS library, libtds, as a way to isolate potential bugs in the protocol implementation.

tsql is not a replacement for a complete isql.