Remote Procedure functions
[The db-lib API]

Functions used with stored procedures. More...


DBBOOL dbhasretstat (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
 Determine if query generated a return status number.
int dbnumrets (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
 Get count of output parameters filled by a stored procedure.
BYTE * dbretdata (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
 Get value of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.
int dbretlen (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
 Get size of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.
char * dbretname (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
 Get name of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.
DBINT dbretstatus (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
 Fetch status value returned by query or remote procedure call.
int dbrettype (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
 Get datatype of a stored procedure's return parameter.
RETCODE dbrpcinit (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *rpcname, DBSMALLINT options)
 Initialize a remote procedure call.
RETCODE dbrpcparam (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *paramname, BYTE status, int type, DBINT maxlen, DBINT datalen, BYTE *value)
 Add a parameter to a remote procedure call.
RETCODE dbrpcsend (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
 Execute the procedure and free associated memory.

Detailed Description

Functions used with stored procedures.

Especially useful for OUTPUT parameters, because modern Microsoft servers do not return output parameter data to the client unless the procedure was invoked with dbrpcsend().

Function Documentation

DBBOOL dbhasretstat ( DBPROCESS dbproc  ) 

Determine if query generated a return status number.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
Return values:
TRUE fetch return status with dbretstatus().
FALSE no return status.
See also:
dbnextrow(), dbresults(), dbretdata(), dbretstatus(), dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam(), dbrpcsend().
int dbnumrets ( DBPROCESS dbproc  ) 

Get count of output parameters filled by a stored procedure.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
How many, possibly zero.
This name sounds funny.
See also:
BYTE* dbretdata ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

Get value of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
retnum Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from dbnumrets().
Address of a return parameter value, or NULL if no such retnum.
See also:
dbnextrow(), dbnumrets(), dbresults(), dbretlen(), dbretname(), dbrettype(), dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam().
Handle blobs.
int dbretlen ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

Get size of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
retnum Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from dbnumrets().
Size of a return parameter value, or NULL if no such retnum.
See also:
dbnextrow(), dbnumrets(), dbresults(), dbretdata(), dbretname(), dbrettype(), dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam().
char* dbretname ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

Get name of an output parameter filled by a stored procedure.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
retnum Nth parameter between 1 and the return value from dbnumrets().
ASCII null-terminated string, NULL if no such retnum.
See also:
dbnextrow(), dbnumrets(), dbresults(), dbretdata(), dbretlen(), dbrettype(), dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam().
DBINT dbretstatus ( DBPROCESS dbproc  ) 

Fetch status value returned by query or remote procedure call.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
return value
See also:
dbhasretstat(), dbnextrow(), dbresults(), dbretdata(), dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam(), dbrpcsend().
int dbrettype ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

Get datatype of a stored procedure's return parameter.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
retnum Nth return parameter, between 1 and dbnumrets().
SYB* datatype token, or -1 if retnum is out of range.
See also:
dbnextrow(), dbnumrets(), dbprtype(), dbresults(), dbretdata(), dbretlen(), dbretname(), dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam().
RETCODE dbrpcinit ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  rpcname,
DBSMALLINT  options 

Initialize a remote procedure call.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
rpcname name of the stored procedure to be run.
options Only supported option would be DBRPCRECOMPILE, which causes the stored procedure to be recompiled before executing.
The RPC functions are the only way to get back OUTPUT parameter data with db-lib from modern Microsoft servers.
Return values:
SUCCEED normal.
FAIL on error
See also:
dbrpcparam(), dbrpcsend()
RETCODE dbrpcparam ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  paramname,
BYTE  status,
int  type,
DBINT  maxlen,
DBINT  datalen,
BYTE *  value 

Add a parameter to a remote procedure call.

Call between dbrpcinit() and dbrpcsend()

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
paramname literal name of the parameter, according to the stored procedure (starts with '@'). Optional. If not used, parameters will be passed in order instead of by name.
status must be DBRPCRETURN, if this parameter is a return parameter, else 0.
type datatype of the value parameter e.g., SYBINT4, SYBCHAR.
maxlen Maximum output size of the parameter's value to be returned by the stored procedure, usually the size of your host variable. Fixed-length datatypes take -1 (NULL or not). Non-OUTPUT parameters also use -1. Use 0 to send a NULL value for a variable length datatype.
datalen For variable-length datatypes, the byte size of the data to be sent, exclusive of any null terminator. For fixed-length datatypes use -1. To send a NULL value, use 0.
value Address of your host variable.
Return values:
SUCCEED normal.
FAIL on error
See also:
dbrpcinit(), dbrpcsend()
RETCODE dbrpcsend ( DBPROCESS dbproc  ) 

Execute the procedure and free associated memory.

dbproc contains all information needed by db-lib to manage communications with the server.
Return values:
SUCCEED normal.
FAIL on error
See also:
dbrpcinit(), dbrpcparam()
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