The freetds.conf file

What it does

FreeTDS uses a configuration file freetds.conf (the name can be controlled by an environment variable). Its format is similar to Samba's modified "win.ini" format. Its foremost job is to relate dataserver names, as known to your programs [1] , to machine names, as known your network. That is, while your machines have names known to the network, the dataservers on your machines have names known only to your FreeTDS client programs. The configuration file can then further describe that dataserver in greater detail, as need be.


FreeTDS also supports an older configuration file format, known as the interfaces file. Use freetds.conf unless interfaces is needed for your situation. It is easier to read, and it is where all the new options are being added. FreeTDS looks for freetds.conf first, falling back on interfaces only if freetds.conf is not found.

Should you need it, more information about interfaces can be found in the Appendix.

Where it goes

The default location of freetds.conf is determined by the --sysconfdir option of configure. If you don't specify anything, configure's default sysconfdir is /usr/local/etc.

In addition, FreeTDS will look for a file .freetds.conf in the user's home directory (~/.freetds.conf).

The actual name and location of freetds.conf may be specified by the environment variable FREETDS (or FREETDSCONF, same effect). See Environment Variables, below.

FreeTDS reads the user's ${HOME}/.freetds.conf before resorting to the system-wide sysconfdir/freetds.conf. The first properly configured (i.e., a readable file with a section for the server) freetds.conf file will be the one used.

What it looks like

The freetds.conf file is composed of two types of sections: a [global] section, and one [dataserver] section for each dataserver. Settings in the [global] section affect all dataservers, but can be overridden in a [dataserver] section. For example

Example 3-1. A freetds.conf file example

	tds version = 4.2

	host =
	port = 1433

	host =
	port = 4000
	tds version = 5.0

	host =
	instance = foo
	tds version = 8.0

In this example, the default TDS version for all dataservers is set to 4.2. It is then overridden for myserver2 (a Sybase server) which uses 5.0, and myserver3 (a MSSQL 2000 server) which uses 8.0.

Note that myserver3 uses a named instance configuration, instead of a port number.

Usually, it is sufficient to state the only server's hostname and TDS protocol. Everything else can be inferred, unless your setup (or your server's) strays from the defaults.


Some people seem to feel safer using the IP address for the server, rather than its name. We don't recommend you do that. Use the name, and benefit from the inherent advantages. That's why DNS was invented in the first place, you know.

It bears mentioning here that prior versions of FreeTDS were quite fussy about domain logins, forcing users to make explicit per-server entries in freetds.conf. That is no longer the case. If the username has the form DOMAIN\username, FreeTDS will automatically use a domain login.

Table 3-2. freetds.conf settings

NamePossible ValuesDefaultMeaning
tds version--with-tdsver value (5.0 if unspecified) Overridden by TDSVER. The TDS protocol version to use when connecting.4.2, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0
hosthost name or IP addressnoneThe host that the dataserver is running on.
portany valid port
ProductVersionDefault Port
Sybase SQL Serverprior to System 101433
Sybase SQL Server10 and up5000
Sybase SQL Anywhere72638
Microsoft SQL Serverall1433
The port number that the dataserver is listening to. Please note: The "defaults" to the left are the server's default settings. FreeTDS chooses its default port based on the TDS protocol version: 5000 for TDS 5.0, and 1433 for everything else. Overridden by TDSPORT.
initial block sizemultiple of 512512Specifies the maximum size of a protocol block. Don't mess with unless you know what you are doing.
dump fileany valid file namenone Overridden by TDSDUMP. Specifies the location of a tds dump file and turns on logging
dump file appendyes/nonoAppends dump file instead of overwriting it. Useful for debugging when many processes are active.
timeout0-noneSets period to wait for response of query before timing out.
connect timeout0-noneSets period to wait for response from connect before timing out.
emulate little endianyes/nonoForces big endian machines (Sparc, PPC, PARISC) to act as little endian to communicate with MS Servers. Set automatically for TDS 7.0/8.0 on big endian hosts
client charsetany valid iconv character setISO-8859-1[a]Makes FreeTDS use iconv to convert to and from the specified character set from UCS-2 in TDS 7.0/8.0. As of 0.62 FreeTDS uses iconv to convert all character data, so there's no need to match the server's charset to insert any characters the server supports.
text size0 to 4,294,967,2954,294,967,295default value of TEXTSIZE, in bytes. For text and image datatypes, sets the maximum width of any returned column. Cf. set TEXTSIZE in the T-SQL documentation for your server.
instanceinstance namenone

Name of Microsoft SQL Server instance to connect to. The port will be detected automatically.

debug flagsAny number even in hex or octal notation0x4fffSets granularity of logging. A bitmask. See table below for specification.
encryptionoff/request/requiredoffSpecify if encryption is desidered. Supported for Microsoft servers. off disables encryption (only if needed); request means use if available; required means create and allow encrypted connections only.
a. Valid for ISO 8859-1 character set. See Localization and TDS 7.0 for more information.


Many settings in freetds.conf can be overridden by environment variables.

Also dataserver can be decorated adding informations for port or instance name using port override syntax.

Controlling log details

The logging capability has helped solve innumerable cases, some trivial and some very low-level bugs. Sometimes a developer needs very detailed information about one function, whereas someone else may interested only in whether or not a particular function is called, or even want to see only the SQL that was transmitted to the server.

The log's granularity can be controlled with the debug flags entry. The default value (4FFF hex) gives a level of detail that is useful for resolving problems via the mailing list.

Table 3-3. Valid bitmask values for debug flags entry in freetds.conf

0x80function trace and info
0x40information level 2
0x20information level 1
0x02severe error
0x1000show pid
0x2000show time
0x4000show source level info (source file and line)
0x8000thread id (not implemented)

For more about the wonderful world of FreeTDS logs, see Logging.

Deprecated options

As of version 0.62 the following options are deprecated and supported only for backward compatibility.

Deprecated freetds.conf settings

  • try server login

  • try domain login

  • nt domain

  • cross domain login

  • debug level



In general, the dataserver name is arbitrary and local; it's used only by your client programs to tell FreeTDS which server to connect to. You can choose any name you like.

Sybase SQL Anywhere (a/k/a Sybase ASA), however, is fussy. You must use the database's name as your dataserver name. Otherwise, the server will refuse your connection.